At the moment, if your document cannot have an apostille attached for any reason, then the document is returned and a refund for the apostille(s) is issued. They have highlighted that there is a cost attached to this as it takes time to issue the return letter and send them back. The tax-payer is ultimately liable for this.
From the 1st April 2025, this will change. If any documents are submitted to the FCDO and they cannot have an apostille attached, and there is clear guidance available about why it cannot, the full fee will be charged. This would include photocopies birth certificates and unsigned or undated documents. If, for any reason, the document cannot be legalised and it is not the fault of the customer, then a refund of the apostille will be issued. The return postage will continue to be deducted from the refund.
In an email to the Notaries Society they have highlighted that their document checker tool is being improved and will be available before the change in policy goes live. This will hopefully help everyone identify exactly what can and cannot have an apostille attached.
Hopefully the new tool will help streamline the process for everyone.
If you have any questions about your documents, please don’t hesitate to contact me.